Political Mindgames Federal & State

For years we have been told local branches pick the best candidates to run for office to to represent their local community. Forward to 2022 – Morrison does a “NSW preselection intervention” Let’s stop the mindgames.

Do not let them sideline your argument with “that’s a State issue”. If you are unhappy with how the party is performing on a State or Federal issue make sure they know about it and any & all elections – Leave them in no doubt you are not happy with the party.

The NSW issue on a fair pay deal for State employees is a point in question. A limit of 2.5% pay increases for State employees is not a pay increase it is a pay cut not keeping up with the cost of living. The NSW Government hangs it hat on getting re-elected with infrastructure commitments and, if you listen to the media, football stadium upgrades. It’s what they are doing for the communities of NSW – MINDGAMES.

More road & rail corridors & comfortable football stadiums are wonderful but at the expense of a fair days pay for a fair days work? Mind you they sell off the rights to these assets to private business recouping their costs and we pay with tolls and entry fees. With cost of Living expenses going up quicker than wage growth our usage and attendance will be limited to the private sector – the public sector will not have disposable income to utilise. The Wage increase for NSW politicians was easy to roll out?

It is time we made sure that a fair pay deal, with ongoing commitment, becomes an election issue. Lets slow down the cash handouts, trinkets and infrastructure projects and look after all our workers to ensure they can get a fair return for the work they do

Political Mindgames have to stop

Australian Federal Elections – 20 days to go and I still have no-one I am prepared to vote for.

Every House of Representative candidate in my division is standing for a political party. They are only there to represent the interest of their party.

The offerings from the parties, particularly those that may win, is to shower the voters with cash and other trinkets, increasing the Australian debt, just to gain the win for the party and its faithful. Meanwhile the 4 year term they win will be spent paying for the cash & trinkets they dish out.

And the important issues of Government, well those issues are complex and involved – we will see if we get to them. Maybe in time for next election.

Whilst we do not have policies that will take our Country to a better place, just cash and trinkets, we want your vote as the better option of who is in the running.


If no-one is offering a path forward to lead our Country to a better place – then no-one gets my vote. I will not accept the best of a bad bunch.

From the Australian Electoral Commission website ” Your vote will help shape Australia” – This is not the Australia I want to support.

STOP the mindgames – where are our leaders????????????

Support Climate change with Domestic consumption

Practical measures for a positive environmental change available to all regardless of your personal limitations

Domestic consumption

A whole of life approach to purchasing needs be encouraged and pursued to make the difference required for positive environmental change.

We need to limit our escape expenditure on overseas purchases to keep as much as we can within the Country adding strength to our Economies –  Local, State & Federal.

Extending our endeavours to include all purchases allows us to concentrate on a range that is attainable from our resources.

Having a trade off acknowledges that we will still have some lifestyle choices that are not best for the environment. The trade-off permits us to  pursue other endeavours where the savings made can offset the effect. In this way we can all develop our own environmental program that results in positive change.

My viewpoint on Purchasing with Purpose I will think before I purchase with a preference for Local, State then Federal in lieu of International suppliers. I am committed to learning and knowing the supplier of my purchases to enable an informed decision to be made

Why Local, State & Federal Economies

Not all purchases required are attainable within your local economy and our primary aim is to limit our purchases from overseas. on-line, imported even overseas travel should be reviewed to see if it can be minimised, replaced or traded.

Purchasing spent overseas is lost forever – Purchasing spent within our Country assist our economies 2 or 3 fold. Our suppliers are very conscious of the importance of spending within their “local” economy as it funds the community’s ability to purchase from them. For more information on the benefits of Local, State & Federal purchasing see our Blog  Localised Spending is your HIDDEN Pot of Gold.

I believe in being a locavore wherever possible as it encourages you to seek your product close to home. Having all purchases on the table allows you to balance off some of the  endeavours in your program.

Balancing your environmental endeavours

My sister enjoys her travel averaging an overseas trip once a year. Her commitment to assisting with environmental change is trading the carbon footprint and international spending of the travel against her commitment not to drive but walk everywhere when at home. In addition, the money she is saving on not running a vehicle at home provides additional finance to purchase more quality products from local suppliers at Farmers Markets.
Having a whole of Life approach to supporting environmental change is still achieved bringing with it better health, better food and satisfaction in the lifestyle you have chosen

Resources for Environmental Change

Initially I believe we get too caught up in the belief that a commitment to environmental change will be a financial burden – requiring a commitment of your financial resources. There are many other considerations and I would like to discuss the 3 considered by me.

  1. Financial is the first considered and sometimes an excuse for non involvement. On its own I can understand that it may be a limiting resource however you can add to your financial resource from other endeavours undertaken;
    A commitment to grow produce at home can add to your finances from savings in your weekly purchases. Your home garden can also utilise the skills of others within the family or you may organise to limit your range and trade/barter with neighbours and family for other produce. This leads to my second resource Time
  2. Time – depending on your life stage may also be limiting – working full time and raising a family can be a huge drain on your time. A commitment to Environmental change can be similar to many other aspects in your life where you draw on your family and friends. Your own family program should include all family members with all having roles to play depending on their skills. Close Family members and friends can also be involved simply by making it the subject of discussion personal or electronic.
  3. Skills – not just your own but within your family, friends – even social media friends. Considering your own time limitations you may find the resource to grow produce, research your suppliers, provide advice and opportunities within this mix. Technology is so easy that this resource should be a priority consideration. We have a site Sourced Club that enables a business search by name, tags or location. the links to suppliers includes access to all their social Media sites entered for improved transparency

In the back of my mind

I do not want my Country to continue to mine and export fossil fuel as it is harmful to the environment. They continue to export it to provide a strong economy balancing out our growing imports by Business and more recently Individuals.
We can assist – building a strong economy by reducing our total purchases from international sources beit a household purchase or international holiday to name 2 of many.

Have good connections share them here

If you have some tried and true processes that will assist preparing, reviewing or expanding a program to work towards improving our domestic consumption or other activity supporting a move to environmental change – Share it with us