Let me tell you about
John Francis O’Connor
Army Number A325347
Enlisted 10/9/1986
Discharged –/–/—-

John Francis O’Connor
John was born on 30th July 1960, the last of the children to Mr and Mrs Joe O’Connor of 37 Mair St, Wagga Wagga. John enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force ( RAAF ) on 10th September 1986 and was assigned the service number of A325347.
After his basic military skills and trade training, he was sent to various states across Australia before his second last position located at RAAF Townsville. After attaining the rank of sergeant, he was then sent to RAAF Richmond, NSW to undergo air movement and section operations training, which included weight and balance, cargo positioning of various aircraft operated by the RAAF and section leader and then returned to Townsville as the Duty Air Movements Officer. After the outbreak of tensions between the Indonesion and civilians of East Timor in 1999, John was sent for a 2 month deployment to East Timor as part of the International Force East Timor ( INTERFET) and returned in December of the same the same year. Then in January of 2000, he again was deployed to East Timor as part of United Nations Transitional Administration East Timor ( UNTAET) as a section leader in aircraft loading of various aircraft of the RAAF and the United Nations and returned in June of that same year.
After discharge from the RAAF, he now resides in Townsville as a widower and enjoys spending his time with the extended O’Connor and his children and grandchildren. John also enjoys the occasional trip aboard ocean going cruise ships.66