
The team at Omage has amassed in excess of 50 years involvement in promotion of business substantially small family run business competing in a dynamic market.The team comprises of father and daughter team Peter & Bridgette O’Connor 

Peter was skilled in product marketing in the Banking Industry in 1984 before transfering to the hospitality Industry in 1987 running a Licenced club in NSW for 19 years followed by a Family run restaurant on the NSW South Coast for 12 years finishing up in May 2018. Peter recently developed the database in use for Sourced Club 

Bridgette originally joined her father in the marketing & promotion of the Licenced club in 1994 before moving to Queensland where she ran a family business for children’s clothing. Bridgette started Omage in 2013 assisting small business compete in the market place with integration of a database into a digital marketing program with full reporting. For the past 2 years she has been the brains trust behind Sourced Club looking at providing transparency, recognition and support for all businesses involved in our Food Network